Monday 31 March from 7pm to 9pm
Join us in partnership with Queer Screen for a FREE special Transgender Day of Visibility screening of Two Tribes, examining the life of former AFL premiership player and coach Danielle Laidley.
Utilising personal archival material, the documentary explores Danielle’s rise from working class suburban Perth to high profile elite athlete, all the while dealing with gender dysphoria. Employing dual timelines, it tells the story of Danielle’s post-AFL life and her battle with addiction. When Victoria Police officers took and distributed photos of her during her arrest following a “meth-fueled bender”, Danielle was outed and her gender transition was revealed to the world. Two Tribes details the court case that followed and the fallout – both public and private – as she rebuilds her relationship with family and friends following rehab with the support of her partner Donna.
Tickets are FREE and come with FREE Popcorn. Bookings essential, space is limited.