Saturday 5 July from 10am to 4pm
Having a career as an author isn’t just about writing a good book. A modern author needs to be their own publicist, marketer and social media manager. They must be able to plan events and create social media campaigns, build an author profile and connect with their readers while also understanding the publishing landscape.
In this interactive course with award-winning author Amy Hutton, we’ll discuss:
Where your book (or work in progress!) sits in the marketplace
How to build and foster relationships with readers and other authors
Utilising social media for promotion and creating community
Publishing — both traditional and independent
Pitching and how to catch a publisher’s eye and building your author CV
Launching your book and planning events, touching on marketing and publicity.
This writing course, Preparing for Publication: Tools for the Debut Author with Amy Hutton, will be held at Writing NSW in Sydney.